Friday, 11 March 2011

Script Draft 2





Long street of terraced houses at night.


Boys bedroom

JAKE (16) is in bed lying on his side looking at a digital clock on the bedside table.

Jake starts to slowly get out of bed; he pushes back the covers and sits up on side the bed.

He leans over to a light on the bed side table and switches it on.

Jake stands up and creeps over to the wardrobe on the other side of the room. He opens the door of a wardrobe and kneels down beside it.

He pulls out a rucksack and takes out a decorating mask, a pair of gloves and a see through bag before putting the contents back into the rucksack and zips it up.

He walks over to a chest of drawers and opens the bottom drawer. From this, he pulls out a folder and begins to look through it. He stops on a page and pulls out a piece of paper from the folder.

He folds up the piece of paper and puts it in his hoodie pocket.

He starts to transfer spray cans from the same drawer into the rucksack.

He stands up, picks up his ipod from the bedside table and puts the headphones in and starts to play some music.

He picks up his phone and sends a text, before putting the phone back into his pocket.

Jake walks over towards the door, slips on his shoes and opens his bedroom door.

Rustling of bed sheet covers.

Shuffling of bed covers.

Flicking a switch.

Footsteps, creaking floorboards.

Creaking of door.

Rustling of bag.

Zip sound.

Creaking and sound of drawer opening.

Flicking of clear plastic pages.

Rustling of paper.

Clinking of cans.

Drum and Bass music.

Text message sound.


Creaking door.


Jake slowly walks down the stairs.

Reaching the bottom, he opens the front door, pulls up his hood and leaves the house.

Soft footsteps.

Opening of latch, soft click.


Jake walks down the lifeless street outside his house.

Parents bedroom

Two shapes can be seen underneath a number of covers on a double bed.

A mans arm is hanging outside one of the sides of the bed.

Underneath where his hand is hanging is three empty beer cans.

Heavy breathing.


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